New Orleans (504) 835-0925 New Albany, IN (812) 545-8500
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Archive for January, 2022

New Remote Access Trojan Virus Hides In Windows Registry

There's a new malware strain you should make sure your IT staff is aware of.  Called the Dark Watchman, it is a well-designed and highly capable RAT (Remote Access Trojan) paired with ...

Hackers Are Using Big Brand Surveys To Scam Victims

Surveys have long been a playground of hackers and scammers. That's true at any time of the year but it's especially true around the Holidays when such scams seem to attract even ...

New Ransomware Named AvosLocker Uses Multiple Tricks In Attacks

There's a new strain of ransomware to be concerned about in the form of AvosLocker. This is from security firm Sophos who warns that the new strain of human-operated ransomware is one ...

Update Your All In One SEO Plugin For Security Patch

Do you own and operate a WordPress website?  Do you also use the "All in One" SEO plugin? If you answered yes to both of those questions, then be aware that you'll ...

Reasons The Log4j Java Library Security Issue Is Concerning

Haven't heard of Log4j before right now? If not, you're certainly not alone but unfortunately it's something you're likely to hear more about in the weeks ahead. It may wind up being ...

Some Lenovo Laptops Have Admin Level Security Vulnerability

Do you own a Lenovo Yoga or ThinkPad laptop?  If so be advised that a pair of critical security flaws have recently been found that could allow an attacker Admin level access ...


Telegram Launches Third-Party Verification for Accounts

Telegram Launches Third-Party Verification for Accounts

Does your company rely on Telegram Messenger to complete certain processes? If you’re familiar with it, your team probably uses[...]
Fresh Insights Into Google Chrome Extension Attack

Fresh Insights Into Google Chrome Extension Attack

As a business owner, you may have witnessed or even fallen victim to a phishing scam. If it makes you[...]
Hackers Exploit Victims with Scam-Yourself Attacks

Hackers Exploit Victims with Scam-Yourself Attacks

Recent research from GetApp shows that over 81% of people open phishing emails on their work devices. One big reason for[...]


Metairie (HQ)

3321 Division St
Metairie, LA 70002
(504) 835-0925

New Albany

110 East Market St
New Albany, IN 47150
(812) 545-8500


Since 1992, Digital Solutions has been a leading provider of IT support and consulting, focusing on small and medium sized businesses in the Greater New Orleans Area. We have helped hundreds of businesses increase productivity and profitability by making IT a streamlined part of operations. We equip our clients with customized technology solutions for greater operational value and to reduce risk.

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