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Archive for October, 2020

Mac And Android Added To GravityRAT Malware’s Targets

Malware comes in all shapes and sizes. Some strains copy and encrypt files. Others serve annoying ads. Still others work quietly in the background, mining this or that cryptocurrency using your computer's ...

Photoshop Testing Security For Images To Prevent Theft And Fakes

Deep Fakes are becoming an increasingly large problem. If you're not familiar with the term, a Deep Fake is an advanced photo or video technique in which an existing person in a ...

WordPress Loginizer Plugin Was Automatically Updated Due To Vulnerability

WordPress tends to take a light-handed approach when it comes to managing the legions of plugins that are compatible with the most popular blogging platform on the planet. This time, however, they're ...

Coordinated Effort Underway To Take Down Trickbot Malware

Score one for the good guys. A team led by Microsoft's DCU (Digital Crimes Unit) that includes Symantec, NTT Ltd, ESET, and Lumen's Black Lotus Labs is working on something new. They ...

Adobe Patches A Number of Critical Vulnerabilities In Latest Update

If you make frequent use of Adobe products, then you'll definitely want to give priority to applying the latest security update offered by the company. It's an out of band patch that ...

New Windows 10 Update Shows App Warnings For Malware

A great many malware strains are designed to engage quietly during a PC's startup process and then idle in the background. They are in the system logging keystrokes, taking screen shots at ...

Latest Windows 10 Update May Block Third Party Drivers

If you haven't yet installed the latest Windows 10 or Windows Server update, here's something to be aware of before you do. You may not be able to update or install some ...

Microsoft Image AI Increases Accuracy To Rival Humans

Skynet just took a step closer to becoming a reality. The word, of course, refers back to the hit movie, 'Terminator,' in which a computer network gained sentience and decided to do ...

Intel Adding Additional Security To Future Processors

Intel has had more than its share of challenges over the last couple of years. Not the least of which included a whole family of new attack vectors that made headlines and ...

Hacked Networks And Credentials Being Sold At Alarming Rates

Selling network access is big business on underground hacking websites. Even worse, the business is growing at an alarming rate, according to a report recently published by cyber security firm KELA. According ...


Solving the AI Skills Shortage

Solving the AI Skills Shortage

As organizations use artificial intelligence for data-driven decision-making, automation improvements, better efficiency, and enhanced innovation, many find that there aren’t[...]
The Role of Smart Glasses in Enhancing Workforce Training and Field Services

The Role of Smart Glasses in Enhancing Workforce Training and Field Services

Today’s field service technicians have more complex responsibilities than ever before. Increasing technological complexity, combined with changes in the workforce,[...]
Creating Content With Intent-Driven Insights

Creating Content With Intent-Driven Insights

Suppose you create content to market your business. In that case, you’ve likely heard the words “user intent” and its[...]


Metairie (HQ)

3321 Division St
Metairie, LA 70002
(504) 835-0925


Since 1992, Digital Solutions has been a leading provider of IT support and consulting, focusing on small and medium sized businesses in the Greater New Orleans Area. We have helped hundreds of businesses increase productivity and profitability by making IT a streamlined part of operations. We equip our clients with customized technology solutions for greater operational value and to reduce risk.

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